Certificate 2022364J Andrews Property Services Net CZ Org

Toitū Envirocare Carbonzero Update

This month we celebrate our fifth year of achieving the Toitū carbonzero certification.  We can now proudly say that we are beyond carbonzero by 40% based on our last financial year.  Since our first audit in 2018, we have reduced our carbon emissions per man-hour by 14.5% percent.

APS were early adopters of the Toitū carbonzero among the first NZ businesses to take climate action, so this result is a measurement of our determination to make a remarkable difference not only in sequestering our emissions, but also by going beyond that to contribute to repairing our delicate environmental eco-system.

While our core contributions come from environmental offsetting through our conservation properties it is important to acknowledge the sustainability initiatives which we continue to upgrade and integrate into the culture of our organisation.

This is still the tip of the topical iceberg for us, as we strive for individual and collective buy-in from our nearly 220 strong team to very simply, keep doing better!

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0800 277 001
Auckland Region:
Phone: 09 846 3329
Waikato/Bay of Plenty Region:
Phone: 07 823 3399
Phone: 0800 277 001